J.K. Rowling and Blondie Cleared Up a Misunderstanding Via Tweets

2 minute read

One of the most amusing parts of Twitter is the daily, seemingly infinite hashtag games that take place on the social media platform. From #RejectedProductNames to #CreativeNamesForWinterStorms, users attempt to one-up each other with puns, viral stories and plays on words. On Tuesday, the hashtag #MakeABandLessInteresting started trending, prompting people to come up with their funniest twists on classic artist titles. So of course queen of Twitter J.K. Rowling got in on the fun, submitting “Blandie” into the mix — as a significantly less exciting replacement for the iconic band Blondie, of course. (For reference, others went the route of monikers like “Panic! At the Costco” and “Extremely Mild Bell Peppers.”, toning down the rebellious spirit of those rock bands.)

But Blondie’s Debbie Harry plays the Twitter game, too, and happened upon Rowling’s message. “Ironic, cause we have on occasion gotten a crap review that’d go there,” Harry’s official account resonded. To which Rowling tweeted: “Never from me,” appending a heart emoji.

Looks like all’s well that ends well in the Twitterverse — and now we know that Rowling herself is a Blondie fan, too.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com