The Game of Thrones Cast Is Just As Desperate to Avoid Spoilers As You Are

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Although the wait for Game of Thrones season 8 may seem never-ending, many fans are committed to remaining spoiler-free until the HBO drama returns in 2019. And the cast will apparently do anything to help it stay that way.

During a interview with Metro that was published Thursday, Ben Crompton — who plays current Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch Dolorous Edd — recounted a recent incident when he and his co-stars got a bit over-protective of the show’s secrets.

“Apart from being contractually obliged not to say anything, [the cast has] a real affection for the show,” he said. “We were filming the other week and there seemed to be something flying above. Everyone was suddenly going, ‘Is that a drone? Is that a drone?’ It turned out it was from the SFX department on the other side of the set trying something out. But there was just this moment there thinking, don’t let there be any spoilers or anything, just let it happen.”

Keep fighting the good fight, Thrones cast.

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