• Motto

This One Tool Is All You Need to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

3 minute read

How many times over the years have you told yourself, this is my year — I’m getting in shape once and for all, or this is my chance to start volunteering, only to fall on empty promise once again? I’m here to tell you there’s a way to make your resolutions more powerful, more meaningful and more successful. All you need to do in order to follow through on your New Year’s resolution is to plan.

When we make time to plan out our schedules, process everything we have going on in our busy lives and prioritize the things that help us stay feeling healthy, balanced and motivated, our lives automatically become less chaotic.

Pick out a special, private 2018 planner with extra notebook pages — write down your top focus for the new year on the first page, so every time you sit down to schedule an event, you can ask yourself if you’re spending your time on the things that matter. Keep it simple and realistic. I’m going to spend more time with family and friends this year. You might do the same, or maybe you’re gunning for a promotion or hoping to learn a new skill.

To kick your resolution into power mode, here’s what you need to do.

At the office: Speak to your boss about your interest in gaining more responsibilities. Ask her what you can do to demonstrate your abilities and help lighten her load. Then stay on point: arrive early, stay late and never say no to helping out, even if you think the ask is insignificant. Track goals and achievements, no matter how small, in your planner — so when you look back at the end of 2018, you’ll be able to see how far you’ve come.

Outside of work: There are thousands of amazing classes available online or in your city in any and every topic you can imagine. Learning new skills, whether photography, improv or a new language, enhances your life and opens you up to meeting new people. Hop online, browse around to see what piques your interest, and sign up! Write down class times and assignments in your planner to hold yourself accountable.

At home: Friends and family are what complete us. Spending time with the people we’ve created important bonds with is an essential component in living a joyful life. Pull out your planner and be sure that you’re making the effort to go visit your oldest friends in different cities, making lunch plans with your sibling, gran or auntie, and setting aside time with your immediate family for a just-for-fun pizza and movie night this year. These are the warmest, best moments of any year — collect lots of them in 2018.

Stacey Griffith is a senior master instructor at SoulCycle and the author of the book Two Turns From Zero. Stacey’s motivational coaching style combines a passion for dance, athleticism and mind-blowing music—all set to the beat of her voice. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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