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‘Jon Voight After a Chemical Spill.’ Stephen Colbert Returns With a One-Man Roast of Disney’s Trump Robot

1 minute read

The Late Show was on hiatus when the robotic version of President Donald Trump made its debut at the Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents, so when the show returned on Tuesday night, Stephen Colbert set about making his appraisal of the animatronic president. “That is truly disturbing,” said Colbert. “I know one sculptor who did not vote for him.”

Colbert went on to compare the robot’s …er, unique facial features to “Jon Voight after a chemical spill.” Colbert was not alone in thinking that the robo-Trump bore an eerie resemblance to the actor—feelings circulated on Twitter that Disney had not made a Trump robot per se, but instead had simply thrown “some different hair on the Jon Voight” robot.

Colbert wasn’t done with his one-man roast of the animatronic statue, though. He also shared “footage” of the Trump robot mocking the presidents with whom he shares the hall, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln (“he’s such a liar”).

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