Tig Notaro Speaks Out About Louis C.K.’s Removal From One Mississippi

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Louis C.K.’s prolific comedy career came to a screeching halt in November, when five women accused him of sexual misconduct. The release of his new film I Love You, Daddy was scrapped, both FX and HBO severed their ties with the comedian, and he will no longer be involved with Amazon’s One Mississippi — something that the show’s co-creator and star Tig Notaro finds “a huge relief.”

Though C.K. had promoted Notaro’s work in the past (he applauded her 2012 comedy album Live and helped One Mississippi to Amazon), she says she started to publicly distance herself once she heard of the allegations against him. In August, Notaro spoke to The Daily Beast about allegations against Louis C.K. and said, “I think it’s important to take care of that, to handle that, because it’s serious to be assaulted.” Though Louis C.K.’s accusers had not yet come forward publicly, the allegations had been bouncing around the internet for years on sites like Gawker.

“I found this out right after we sold the show, that this was happening,” Notaro said on The View. “I started publicly trying to distance myself from him for almost two years now. When this all came out, even though I knew first-hand from people, it wasn’t my place to call out names. It’s somebody else’s story. It’s for them to directly speak about.”

Season 2 of One Mississippi, which hit Amazon in September, even has an episode where a female character is forced to watch her male boss masturbate — a plot strikingly similar to the accusations against Louis C.K. Notaro explained the episode wasn’t specifically about him, but rather the entire culture of male entitlement and abuse that has been exposed by the ongoing #MeToo movement.

“Our entire writer’s room is all female, and every person in the room has had an experience with assault, abuse, or harassment in some way,” Notaro said. “Every single one. There’s six [writers] and a female writer’s assistant. Every story on One Mississippi is based in truth, and it’s not necessarily my truth, but it’s somebody truth. Something somebody experienced, or knew of the experience happening, and we wanted to recreate that.”

This article originally appeared on EW.com

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