Just call him Love. Brother Love.
At least, that’s what Sean Combs — also commonly known as P. Diddy, Puff Daddy, Puffy and many more version of the same — has now renamed himself, announcing the change in a selfie video taken on his 48th birthday.
“I have some very serious, serious news. I’ve been praying on this, and I decided — I knew it was risky, and it could come off as corny to some people,” he begins in the clip filmed in a tropical location, his aviator sunglasses reflecting the pristine beach in front of him. “I decided to change my name again. I’m just not who I am before. I’m something different. So my new name is Love, aka Brother Love.” He further clarifies: “I will not be answering to Puffy, Diddy, Puff Daddy, or any of my other monikers but Love or Brother Love, OK? It’s my birthday, I feel good.” He last made a name change in 2014.
Brother Love, as he is henceforth known, has had a great year: he was named the highest earning celebrity of 2017 on the annual Forbes list, thanks to business ventures like the Ciroc brand vodka, Sean John fashion line and his record label, Bad Boy.
But not everyone is on board with his new name. Specifically, wrestling personality Bruce Prichard — who has called himself Brother Love since 1988 — does not seem amused. “Find a new gimmick,” Prichard tweeted. “I am the original and you are not.”
Considering the name’s meaning, perhaps the two can find enough brotherly love to share.
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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com