• U.S.
  • Texas

Substitute Teacher Removed After Putting Duct Tape Over 5th-Graders’ Mouths

2 minute read

A Texas school district removed a substitute teacher after they put duct tape over the mouths of 10 elementary school students on Thursday.

The substitute teacher was leading a fifth-grade classroom at Maxdale Elementary School, and three other students also put duct tape over their own mouths “as a result of the substitute teacher’s actions,” according to a statement from the Killeen Independent School District.

The incident continued for several minutes, according to the district. When school administrators learned what was happening, the substitute teacher, who has not been named, was immediately removed from the classroom and banned from the campus over the “outrageous and unconscionable behavior.”

“As soon as school leaders learned of this incident, all 13 students were taken to the school nurse for observation and any treatment necessary. All 13 students are well and continued with their classes afterwards,” a school district spokesperson said in the statement.

The school then notified Child Protective Services and says it will work with authorities to support any additional investigations. The district also said it told parents about the incident.

“The leadership of Maxdale Elementary School and the Killeen Independent School District are deeply saddened by this event,” the school district’s statement said. “The principal has informed parents, and has reassured parents that the staff will continue to work hard to make sure every child at the campus is absolutely safe every day.”

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Write to Abigail Abrams at abigail.abrams@time.com