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Here’s Where You Should Live Based on Your Zodiac Sign

7 minute read

Where you should move to next could be written in the stars.

We spoke to astrologer Jennifer Angel, founder of Jennifer Angel Horoscopes, to see where you should live based on your zodiac sign.

We had Angel describe the ideal city for each sign, and used our own travel expertise to then find an appropriate city.

Keep scrolling to see what she said.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19): Chicago, Illinois

The Bean in Blue
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According to Angel, Aries are outdoorsy, and need both excitement and adventure.

“Aries can take on a lot of projects at once, regardless if they finish all the projects or not. They like cities where things are happening rather than being stuck out in the country,” she said. She added that Aries “thrive on the energy,” but that they also need fresh air and nature.

Read more: Where you should travel based on your Zodiac sign

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): Westport, Connecticut

Six white chairs facing water and shoreline houses
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“Taurus is Venus-ruled, so beauty is very important to them, as well as stability,” Angel said. She adds that Tauruses prefer to own rather than rent, and that they like to put down roots and not move very much.

“Luxury and money is also very important to them, so they need to be close to big cities where earning a high income is still accessible. They are also big foodies, and love to cook, entertain, and go out at night. They are home people, but need to be close enough to a city to earn a high income,” according to Angel.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20): London, England

Western Europe, UK, Great Britain, England, London, Red phone box with Big Ben in background
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Angel said that because Geminis are ruled by Mercury, they are very interested in learning, and that communication and education are very important to them.

“They like to be in cities that have a lot of different things to offer in the way of museums, galleries, and shows. They are highly creative and very good with electronics,” she explained. “Depending on what else is in their chart, they would rather spend their money on going out and seeing a good show or going to see the opening of a new museum than spend it on their home. Being accessible to education on all levels is very important to them.”

CANCER (June 21 – July 22): Charleston, South Carolina

USA, South Carolina, Charleston, Colorful town houses in historical centre
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Angel explained that Cancers are all about home and family. She said that they live well, though rarely above their means, and that they are good at saving money. Having savings is important to them.

“What is most important to a Cancer is security, both emotionally and financially,” Angel said. She also said that Cancers tend to have a knack for decorating, and thus have beautiful homes, but that they are fiercely private people that need hedges or fences, and don’t like others living on top of them.

Read more: Your most surprising character trait, according to your zodiac sign

LEO (July 23 – August 22): Ibiza, Spain

Ibiza Town
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“Leos just want the best of everything,” Angel said.

She added that because Leos are ruled by the sun, connections and networking is important to them, as well as seeing and being seen.

“They are highly self-confident and radiate that self-confidence. Appearances matter to them. Plus, they love to entertain, so they often combine business and pleasure. They are quite generous and they like to bring people into their home and open it up,” Angel said.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Stockholm, Sweden

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Angel says that Virgos are neat freaks, and that balance is very important to them, so a place with a lot of nature is a must for them.

“[Living] somewhere that’s not overly noisy and is ordered is ideal for a Virgo. They also need a community that is interested in looking out for each other. They don’t like a lot of change in their lives,” she said.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22): Prague, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, Bohemia, Prague, Charles Bridge and Prague Castle at Sunset
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“Libras like a lot of harmony and energy in their home. They are creative, but things need to harmonize,” Angel explained.

She said that Libras often collect art, and frequent the theater, ballet, and galleries. “Any city that has a cultural history would interest them, as well as somewhere that doesn’t have a high crime rate,” Angel said. “They don’t do well with disharmony, as they like to keep things even in all parts of their lives.”

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21): Tokyo, Japan

People crossing a busy street with colorful signs in front of Shibuya 109 store during sunset in Tokyo, Japan. 2014. Artistic motion blur.
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Angel calls Scorpios “intense,” and said that they “like to do what’s new and what’s hip in town.”

She added that “They are better being out and amongst it, rather than being behind the scenes. They can live in a home or an apartment. They can take on a fast-moving community and they are good at finding opportunity.”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21): Jerusalem, Israel

Dome of Rock
The status of Jerusalem remains a crucial issue in the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflictGetty Images

“Sagittarii love to travel,” Angel said, adding that they are spiritual and religious people that like places that have history and mystery.

“They like to keep things simple, and don’t have a lot of clutter. They generally don’t like to have a lot of stuff, so in that sense, they can live in a small place where they can pick up and just sort of go,” she said, adding that they have a free spirit that allows them to live quite simply.

Read more: The celebrities you should date based on your zodiac sign

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): Berlin, Germany

Berlin Skyline during Sunset
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Angel said that Capricorns are driven by work, and that family and tradition are important to them. With hoarder tendencies, she also says they need a bit of space.

Capricorns also like “their privacy, their personal space, and value quality, and would do best in an affluent, well-to-do neighborhood,” according to Angel, though she adds that status is important to Caps, as well as success and possessions.

“They don’t have to live in the hustle and bustle of the city, but wherever they live, the status of value is important to them,” she explained.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): Austin, Texas

Ms P's Electric Cock Fried Chicken, Austin
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Aquariuses value friendship and community above all else, according to Angel, who also says that they are charitable, active in their communities, and like to help others.

“They are a little bit quirky,” she said. “They don’t follow the trends. They are just interested in doing their own thing. They do not like to follow the rules and don’t like being told what they can and can’t do. They prefer not to live in overly regulated areas; however, if they do, they will generally become very active in changing that. They are highly intellectual people. They will help the underdog. They feel very strongly about that. Even if they have money, it doesn’t mean they will live in the best neighborhood. They will use their money to pioneer change.”

PISCES (February 19 – March 20): Salzburg, Austria

Hohensalsburg Castle and the old town, Salzburg, Austria
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Angel calls Pisces “positive people” and “romantics.” She said that they are very intuitive and sensitive, and that they do not do well with disharmony. Thus, they cannot live in a place with a high crime rate.

“They can forget about their woes and troubles by walking down a beautiful street with a mixture of old charm and modern design. They are good around water, of course, because they are a water sign, which helps balance them. Music is also important to them. So anywhere that has a musical theme is good for them” she said.

This article originally appeared on ThisIsInsider.com

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