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Here’s Why President Trump’s Tweets (And Likely Yours) Can’t Be 280 Characters Yet

3 minute read

Known for its brevity, Twitter is considering doubling its 140-character limit to 280 for all languages except Japanese, Chinese and Korean, depending on how a test of the new function goes.

But not all users have access to the new character limit already — including President Donald Trump.

The President uses his personal Twitter account in a variety of ways — most recently to condemn the NFL for allowing its players to kneel during the National Anthem, slam the media and bemoan Republicans’ efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Some Twitter users have speculated that with more room to tweet, Trump’s tweets would grow in length, providing even more space for him to freely express his thoughts and, sometimes, major policy decisions on the social media platform. But Biz Stone, a co-founder of Twitter, clarified on Tuesday night that the President’s personal account is not part of the test group that has been allotted 280 characters.

In fact, that test group was chosen at random, a Twitter spokesperson told the New York Times. While it is unclear if and when the new limit will be available for all users (except those tweeting in Japanese, Chinese and Korean), some users are already imagining what the social media platform would look like if Trump had more space to tweet.

On Wednesday morning, Trump appeared to post two related messages in back-to-back tweets using the 140-character limit.

For now, Twitter says its new limit addresses issues of confinement on the platform, which it discovered through internal research.

“We understand since many of you have been Tweeting for years, there may be an emotional attachment to 140 characters – we felt it, too,” Twitter said in a blog post. “But we tried this, saw the power of what it will do, and fell in love with this new, still brief, constraint.”

Before this move, Twitter found other ways to create more space for users, including nixing the inclusion of handles, GIFs, photos and polls in the character limit for tweets.

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