Watch Live: President Trump Expected to Unveil GOP Tax Plan

1 minute read

President Donald Trump is scheduled to give remarks on tax reform on Wednesday afternoon.

Trump, who campaigned on a promise to overhaul the tax code, is expected to unveil a Republican tax plan that will potentially include steep tax cuts for corporations as well as cuts for the wealthiest Americans and simplified tax brackets, according to the Associated Press.

“Too many in our country are shut out of the dynamism of the U.S. economy, which has led to the justifiable feeling that the system is rigged against hardworking Americans,” a blueprint of the tax plan says, according to a copy obtained by the Associated Press. “With significant and meaningful tax reform and relief, we will create a fairer system that levels the playing field and extends economic opportunities to American workers, small businesses, and middle-income families.”

Trump’s speech is scheduled to begin at 3:20 p.m. E.T. at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis. Watch the livestream of his remarks here.

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