Watch Live: President Trump Delivers His First U.N. General Assembly Speech

2 minute read

President Donald Trump is scheduled to deliver his first address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday morning.

Trump, who is slated to speak at the U.N. at 10:30 a.m. EST, has a controversial history with the international organization. He has often espoused an “America First” policy that doesn’t always align neatly with the values of international cooperation that define the body, and during his presidential campaign he dismissed the international body as a “club for people to get together, talk and have a good time.”

However, the White House has said that Trump will stress the need for international cooperation, particularly in relation to terrorism and the nuclear capacities of North Korea and Iran, in his speech.

Trump’s speech is expected to be similar to the ones he made in Saudi Arabia and Poland earlier this year. The White House said its content will focus on both Iran and North Korea, emphasizing the role all countries need to play in taming these countries’ nuclear ambitions, particularly in regards to North Korea.

The President is also expected to discuss applying his ‘America First’ policy on an international stage. “What the President is doing is explaining how the principle of America First is not only consistent with the goal of international cooperation, but a rational basis for every country to engage in cooperation” an administration official said on a briefing call with reporters Monday.

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Write to Kate Samuelson at