• Politics

President Trump’s DACA Decision

3 minute read

President Donald Trump is potentially hours away from taking action against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which provides for legal status for many people brought to the U.S. illegally as children. Trump first promised nearly a year ago to end the program, which was instituted by executive action by President Barack Obama, circumventing a Congress whose efforts on immigration reform repeatedly stalled. But in the years since its implementation, the program has found many supporters in both parties, in large part due to humanitarian concerns for people who did nothing wrong themselves and are now integrated into American society. Trump had promised to treat the so-called DREAMers “with heart” as recently as the fall. But the plan he is considering would phase out the program, meaning that those whose work permits need renewal would be unable to do so. Republicans have long contended that DACA amounted to an unconstitutional end-run around the legislative branch, but House Speaker Paul Ryan and other top lawmakers are now asking Trump to hold off so Congress can take action to protect those covered by DACA. Trump is likely to go ahead regardless, lighting a fire under Congress to move swiftly. In the Oval Office Friday afternoon, asked whether DREAMers should be worried, Trump told reporters, “We love the DREAMers. We love everybody…. We think the DREAMers are terrific.”

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Sound Off

“It won’t affect the policy decision, but it will affect the timing of it. We certainly have to watch the lawsuits and how they matriculate through the courts and when the deadlines would be imposed. That will inform our decision-making process, but it won’t affect the policy decision.” —Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert on the threat of state lawsuits over DACA.

“Absolutely. The President stands by his statement.” —Press Secretary Sarah Sanders on Trump’s comments that he’d treat ‘DREAMers’ “with heart.”

Bits and Bites

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