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What You Said About …

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Editor-in-chief Nancy Gibbs’ essay in TIME’s Aug. 28 special report on hate in the U.S. in the wake of violence in Charlottesville, Va., should be “read, reread and shared,” wrote Rita Mospaw of Clarence, N.Y. But Jody Reiss of San Francisco was disappointed that TIME’s coverage of an event at which Nazi chants were used–which also included pieces from Ilhan Omar, Tavis Smiley and others–didn’t include a Jewish response. Meanwhile, Dr. Dennis Moritz of Punta Gorda, Fla., echoed several others in expressing the belief that one item in the issue–a photo of people taking pictures of a beating rather than intervening–was a bad sign. “No greater danger to a democracy than mob rule,” he wrote, “and no greater dangers to humanity than unfettered hate and indifference to the plight of others.”


Belinda Luscombe’s Aug. 28 interview with Jen Hatmaker delighted the celebrity pastor’s fans. “Loved this look at one of my favorite women in leadership,” Natalie Andreas of Austin tweeted, while Richard Burns of Cleveland, Tenn., described the interview as a “breath of fresh air.” But Stephanie Seaton Estabrooks of Andersonville, Tenn., took issue with Hatmaker’s failure to mention, in an answer about why evangelicals voted for Trump, that many hope he’ll pick Supreme Court Justices willing to overturn Roe v. Wade. Cynthia Simmons of Allentown, Pa., also criticized Hatmaker’s description of the Christian world as “pretty small,” given that there are more than 2 billion Christians worldwide.

Back in TIME

TR’s Legacy March 3, 1958

This week’s story about American national monuments (page 30) looks at the future of a system greatly shaped by President Theodore Roosevelt. In 1958, TIME remembered him as a man whose “thoughts projected far out across a new century big with change.” Find the article and photos of the land he loved at time.com/vault







TIME Labs mapped the U.S. states by how well they tip, according to data about credit and debit transactions in July provided by payment-processing company Square. The numbers–gleaned from more than 2 million sellers nationwide–showed that merchants in Hawaii got the lowest tips on average (14.8%), while their Idaho counterparts earned the most (17.4%). See the map at time.com/tips

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