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Student Suspended For Grading His Ex-Girlfriend’s Apology Letter That Went Viral

2 minute read

Nick Lutz did not appreciate the apology letter that his ex-girlfriend sent him in the wake of their break-up.

Since he was a college student used to getting feedback on his work, he decided to critically assess his ex’s letter, writing his comments in red pen (naturally) and then giving it a grade. He then shared the letter on Twitter, where it promptly went viral with people across the world weighing in on back in February 2017. Many commenters seemed to think it was a funny way of handling the heartbreak of a relationship breaking down. Lutz’s ex-girlfriend, though, didn’t think it was funny. In fact, she views it as cyberbullying.

According to the Miami Herald, Lutz’s ex (she has remained anonymous) asked the local sheriff’s office for help, but she then filed a grievance with the University of Central Florida, where Lutz attends school. Lutz has now been suspended for both the summer and fall semesters of 2017 for violating the university’s code of conduct for his “disruptive conduct” and “harmful behavior”.

Lutz promptly posted news of the suspension on his Facebook page as a warning to other students. The post includes some strong words for the university, as well as a letter from his attorney, who claims that his client should not be punished because he never identified the ex-girlfriend. The university didn’t comment on this particular case, but stated that all decisions could still be appealed.

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