Ed Sheeran Deletes Twitter Account Following Criticism of Game of Thrones Cameo

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Game of Thrones‘ latest apparent casualty: Ed Sheeran’s Twitter account.

The pop star has deleted his profile after Thrones fans sent their regards following his season premiere cameo.

While Sheeran hasn’t explained his decision — so nobody knows for sure what prompted him to quit — the move came less than 24 hours after his appearance on the hit show as a Lannister soldier, which drew fire from some of the HBO drama’s legions of fans.

Previously the singer said he wasn’t going to read anything on Twitter anymore — just use the social account to post updates — but perhaps he couldn’t resist looking at the reception to his performance. “I’ve actually come off Twitter completely,” he said a month ago. “I can’t read it. I go on it and there’s nothing but people saying mean things. One comment ruins your day. But that’s why I’ve come off it.” Sheeran also once took a social media break for a year, but according to the BBC this is the first time he’s deleted his account altogether.

In the scene on Sunday, Sheeran played a Lannister soldier singing at a campfire who draws the attention of fan favorite Arya Stark (Maisie Williams). Many GoT vets found the role distracting, but it also had some defenders as a playful moment in the darkly dramatic series. The episode broke HBO ratings records, delivering more than 16 million viewers.

On Monday, EW announced Sheeran’s scripted TV appearances will continue — he’s got a gig on The Simpsons this fall, which the Internet had feelings about too.

Fans should perhaps be more careful what they say to the pop star. Because we all know a Lannister always pays his debts.

Game of Thrones airs Sundays on HBO.

This article originally appeared on EW.com

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