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Game of Thrones‘ Peter Dinklage Teases Doozy of a Season 7 Lannister Family Reunion

2 minute read

Warning: This post contains potential spoilers for Game of Thrones season seven.

It’s been two long Game of Thrones seasons since Tyrion Lannister murdered his father Tywin in the privy before stowing away on a ship bound for Essos, leaving his brother Jaime and sister Cersei to deal with the resulting chaos in King’s Landing. But after earning a spot at the side of Daenerys Targaryen, the newly-named Hand of the Dragon Queen is finally on his way back to his homeland of Westeros.

During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Peter Dinklage — who plays Tyrion — spoke about the complications that may arise if his character is reunited with his family in the coming seventh season. “He’s returning home, and returning home a new person,” he said. “He has Dany and the dragons on his side but he is a very different person than when he left this place. And he’s returning to a brother he loves and a sister he…He’s bracing himself.”

However, Dinklage for one, seems to think Tyrion is better equipped than ever to deal with his estranged siblings. “He found purpose,” he explained. “He was just going to drink himself to death after the end of season four, then Varys gave him a purpose in life and then in Daenerys he saw somebody he could get behind. That’s what somebody like Tyrion needs — he needs a gig to get behind. Give him a drink and he doesn’t do so well.”

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Write to Megan McCluskey at megan.mccluskey@time.com