The Morning Brief: Donald Trump Jr., ISIS in Iraq and Amazon Echo

2 minute read

Good morning. These are today’s top stories:

Donald Trump Jr. changes story about Russian lawyer

President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., offered two different explanations over the weekend for why he met with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 presidential campaign. In his latest statement, Trump Jr. said he was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton, the New York Times reported.

Iraq declares victory over ISIS in Mosul

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has declared a “big victory” over ISIS in Mosul, according to the Associated Press. The liberation of Iraq’s second-largest city was almost nine months in the making.

True Blood star Nelsan Ellis dies

Nelsan Ellis, who portrayed Lafayette Reynolds on HBO’s True Blood, has died at 39, reportedly due to complications of heart failure. HBO said the actor was a “longtime member of the HBO family whose groundbreaking portrayal of Lafayette will be remembered fondly.”


Cardinal George Pell, a top Vatican cleric, has returned to Australia to face sexual assault charges.

Five people were gored during the first two days of Spain’s running of the bulls.

Elon Musk has revealed the first photos of Tesla’s Model 3.

The Amazon Echo is crazy cheap for tomorrow’s Amazon Prime Day.

Pringles is introducing a ramen-flavored chip for a limited time.

The Morning Brief is published Mondays through Fridays. Email Morning Brief writer Melissa Chan at

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