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  • Crime

Anti-Semitic Banner Found on New Jersey Holocaust Memorial

1 minute read

Vandals covered a New Jersey Holocaust memorial with a banner including an anti-Semitic slur over the weekend, according to a photo posted by the state’s chapter of the Anti-Defamation League.

Using a slur for Jewish people, the banner said they “will not divide us.” It also included a link to a website that espouses white supremacy, according to the Ashbury Park Press.

Lakewood, N.J. — the town where the memorial is located — has a significant Jewish population.

Fliers referencing a recent spate of fraud arrests were also discovered in Lakewood. Seven married couples, including a rabbi and his wife, were charged with misrepresenting their income to improperly receive $2 million of benefits in total, the Associated Press reports.

The New Jersey Anti-Defamation League posted photos of the flyers and banner on Sunday. New Jersey’s Attorney General publicized the $10,000 reward for a successful lead about bias crimes.

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Write to Julia Zorthian at julia.zorthian@time.com