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Dry-Eyed Burglar Steals $755 Worth of Eyedrops from Drug Store

1 minute read

A thief with an apparently extensive need for eye hydration made off with more than $755 of eyedrops during a heist from a 24-hour drug store in lower Manhattan earlier in June, according to police reports. The red-eyed culprit has not yet been caught for his Visine caper, DNAinfo says.

A store employee reported the crime occurring in the early hours of a business day, at around 7:30 a.m. But eyedrops weren’t his only choice of product: he also snagged $1,345 worth of other drugs, including more than 50 boxes of three different kinds of the decongestant Mucinex, according to reports. Visine retails for $7 per box and up, while Mucinex goes for about $12. It is unclear how he managed to lug that quantity of products out of the Duane Reade store.

Further complicating the already-quirky crime story, the suspect is actually previously known to the Duane Reade, and according to staff, he’s allegedly shoplifted from this particular location in the past as well.

One thing’s for sure: he’s now set with pretty much a lifetime supply of eyedrops and cough medication.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com