• Politics

Is the President Under Investigation?

3 minute read

“Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”

That Marx Brothers joke was the message Sunday from Jay Sekulow, a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team, who in a series of news interviews disputed President Trump’s own account that he is under investigation. “The fact of the matter is the president has not been and is not under investigation,” he told Face the Nation. In a contentious interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace, he both confirmed the investigation and then denied the same. On June 16, Trump himself tweeted, “I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director.” His lawyers tried to spin that he was merely responding to press reports. But as the White House has made clear, the tweets speak for themselves.

Despite sending up signal flares, Trump has yet to move against special counsel Robert Mueller—a move Democrats, Republicans, and White House aides are all encouraging him not to make.

It’s technology week at the White House, with tech CEOs set to visit with the President Monday. It comes amid heated tensions between the administration and Silicon Valley over policy disagreements on immigration, climate, and economic policy.

A GOP firm accidentally leaked data on voters. Trump’s lawyer hires a lawyer. And the Supreme Court takes up a major gerrymandering case.

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Sound Off

“I don’t believe it’s going to happen. And here’s what I would say. The best thing that could happen for the president, and the country, is a full and credible investigation. I really, truly believe that.” — Sen. Marco Rubio to CNN on whether Trump will fire special counsel Robert Mueller

“There’s a limitation on Twitter, as we all know. The President’s response was as it related to the Washington Post report. He cannot in a Twitter statement include all of that in there. … That’s it. Simple explanation.” — Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow to CNN

Bits and Bites

What Apple’s Tim Cook will tell Trump [Axios]

Jared Kushner to visit Middle East in pursuit of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians [Washington Post]

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Justice Department Says Rod Rosenstein Isn’t Recusing Himself From Russia Investigation [TIME]

GOP Data Firm Accidentally Leaks Personal Details of Nearly 200 Million American Voters [Gizmodo]

President Trump’s Personal Lawyer Has Hired His Own Lawyer to Handle the Russia Investigation [Associated Press]

Supreme Court to Consider Case on Partisan Gerrymandering [NBC]

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