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A Convenience-Minded Driver Pulled Straight Into a Store in His Own DIY Drive-Thru

1 minute read

If your local convenience store doesn’t have a drive thru, just make your own. That’s what one driver did during a quick stop at a mini-mart in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China.

Video footage of the MacGyver-esque maneuver shows a convenience-minded shopper cruising a Smart Car through the front door of a shop. While the DIY drive-thru is an astonishing display of audacity, the cashier appears to be barely shocked by the sudden appearance of a Smart Car in the shop. Instead, he takes the customer’s order, handing out chips and what looks like yogurt, while the customer sits comfortably in the front seat of the car. After paying for the goods, the customer reverses out the door and presumably went on their way quite pleased with their ingenuity.

One of the store’s staff members told ShanghaiDaily.com that it was raining on the night of the incident, and perhaps that lead the driver to make the bold, yet efficient move. And now the world waits to see if DIY drive-thrus become a trend among Smart Car drivers.

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