Watch Sony’s Big PlayStation E3 Event Live Right Here

2 minute read

Sony’s big PlayStation E3 2017 event is set for Monday night at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT, and you can watch live above.

What should you expect to see? Sony’s had a busy few months in terms of hardware, with the PlayStation 4 Pro, the PlayStation VR and the slimmed-down version of the PlayStation 4 console. So it’s a safe bet Monday night’s event will focus on games for all those shiny new machines. Here’s what Sony gaming boss Shawn Layden told TIME during a recent interview before heading off to E3:

As for the experience awaiting PlayStation buffs when the curtain lifts on Sony’s E3 media event, live streaming from the Shrine Auditorium & Expo Hall (online as well as in select theaters) next Monday, June 12, Layden says to think of it less as a press conference than a software showcase.

“The crowd will only have to suffer I think in aggregate 90 seconds of me,” he jokes. “And in the middle will be all the games.”

Sony’s also undoubtedly feeling the pressure to respond to Microsoft’s big E3 event, which took place Sunday and saw the Xbox maker reveal the Xbox One X, its souped-up response to Sony’s PlayStation 4 Pro.

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