Seth Meyers Slams Trump’s ‘Ill-Informed Tweets’ on London Attack

2 minute read

In response to a terror attack in London, President Trump took to Twitter to criticize the response by London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan.

So after some time off Seth Meyers wasted no time on Monday’s Late Night to suggest that President Donald Trump’s latest tweets were part of a new tactic: “Pissing off the rest of the world and picking fights on Twitter” and “doing as much damage as possible to our relationships with allies and our image across the world.”

He then added that political leaders are too busy to respond to Trump’s tweets. “It’s true,” said Meyers. “Responding to Trump’s ill-informed tweets can be a full-time job. And I know because it’s my full-time job.”

More to the point, Meyers said that President Trump “put his foot in his mouth” by using the term “travel ban” to describe his administration’s tourist visa policy that is currently before the Supreme Court. “All Trump has to do to avoid hurting his own cause is not use the word ‘ban.’ That’s it. Just don’t say ‘ban,’” Meyers said. Legal experts say that Trump’s use of the term “travel ban” hurt his legal case.

Watch the full segment below.

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