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No One Showed Up to This 8-Year-Old’s Birthday Party. Then Cops and Firefighters Came to the Rescue

2 minute read

It wasn’t a real emergency, but police officers and firefighters still came to the rescue.

When no one arrived to her son’s birthday party on Sunday, a Dallas mother called the police for some help.

“I need to ask if anyone wants to come to an 8 [year] old boys birthday party to show him that he’s loved and valued as a person,” Jennifer Day wrote on an online community forum about her son Graham, according to Dallas News. “NO gifts are required other than the gift of friendship.”

When no one responded, the parents got in the car and drove to the police station to see if an officer might be willing to pay their disappointed son a visit. After all, the birthday boy always knew he wanted to be a police officer, and there was still pizza and cake.

To the family’s surprise, as many as seven Hurst Police Department officers in uniform arrived soon after, along with three Hurst Fire Department firefighters, and later on more guests trickled in after seeing Day’s community post.

“By the end of it, I think he forgot that his friends didn’t come over for his birthday,” she told Dallas News. “They went above and beyond and made his day.”

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