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Aziz Ansari’s Aspiring Model Cousin in Master of None Is Actually His Cousin in Real Life Too

2 minute read

Looks like Aziz Ansari officially has a penchant for casting his family members in his popular Netflix show, Master of None. As Vulture uncovered, not only are Dev’s parents in the show played by his real-life mom and dad Fatima and Shoukath, but also his oscreen cousin Navid is played by his in-the-flesh cousin Harris Gani, making the whole thing quite a family affair.

This actually isn’t the first time Harris has showed up as part of Aziz’s comedy before, either — although this is the first time he’s making his own appearance and acting. In the past, Aziz has joked often about his emoji-loving cousin Harris, a recurring character in his sketches and standup who Aziz pokes fun at for his unusual taste in TV, movies, and food.

In Master of None‘s episode “Religion,” Harris plays Aziz’s good-looking younger cousin come to visit the Ansari clan in New York City with his religious parents. (Aziz’s dad is so taken with his chiseled features, in fact, that he tells him he should be a model; Harris is all grown up and looking quite well.) In a fit of rebellion, the boys fake sick in order to chow down on copious amounts of pork at a barbecue festival, instead of attending mosque services like the pious kids their parents think they are.

Harris took to Instagram to share his gratitude for being able to participate in the show.

“It was something I thought I’d always say no to given the chance since I’m such a shy person and really hate putting myself out there, but now I’m very glad I went for it,” he wrote in his caption. “Not only was it pretty awesome (and very funny) working with @aziznansari and my Aunt and Uncle, but it was also great for my personal growth.” He added that he’s been “pretty nervous” to see how people would react — but clearly, he needn’t have worried.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com