Watch a Very Silly Brad Pitt and Stephen Colbert Contemplate Life, The Universe, and Netflix

2 minute read

If you have ever wondered how Brad Pitt defines “infinity,” he revealed his thoughts on the deep, philosophical question on The Late Show. “It’s one less than the number of Oceans sequels we’ll be making,” he told Stephen Colbert in the latest installment of “Big Questions With Even Bigger Stars.”

In Pitt’s return to the late night circuit after news of his divorce from Angelina Jolie, Pitt and Colbert chilled out on a blanket and pretended to gaze up at the stars while asking each other thought-provoking questions, like “Hey Stevie-C, Do you think mathematics are the underlying structure of the universe, or did we just invent it?” and discussing their belief in the after life. “I definitely believe in death after life,” says Pitt, while admitting he’s unsure about the opposite. As for Colbert, when he surveys the stars he sees “an endless void. No answers. No meaning. No way to construct coherence from the swirling chaos,” oh wait, no, that was just him looking at a cloud that resembles Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

Their deep conversation ends when Pitt poses the age-old campfire conundrum to Colbert: “Would you rather time travel to the past or the future?” Colbert suavely admits he would travel to Friday, May 26th, the day Pitt’s movie War Machine premieres on Netflix.

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