• Motto

This Week in Motto: Our Mothers

2 minute read

This weekend families in the U.S. will celebrate Mother’s Day. My own little unit plans to have brunch with my mother-in-law, then a picnic with my cousin, who is the mother of three young kids. Moms galore! I’ll be missing my own mom, who lives far away.

May also happens to be mental health awareness month. Last week, the UN Foundation hosted a day of events called Moms + Social Good to draw awareness to some of the critical issues moms around the world face. I had the pleasure of discussing maternal mental health with Drs. Vanessa Kerry and Luz Towns-Miranda, who spoke about the need to support mothers, and instill confidence in child-rearing.

With these two May moments in mind, how do you feel about your experience mothering, and how will you honor your own mother? Motto would love to hear.

Happy Mother’s Day! Email me at Claire.Howorth@time.com.

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