Mitt Romney Says He Won’t Run For President in 2016

1 minute read

Mitt Romney took to CNN Wednesday to make clear he does not intend to run for president in 2016.

“The answer is no, I’m not running for president in 2016. It’s time for someone else to take that responsibility and I’ll be supporting our nominee,” Romney told CNN’s Wolf Bitzer.

Recent high-profile public appearances aside—including taking in the Super Bowl from a posh seat—Romney seemed eager to end any speculation about him making a third run for the White House. Chris Christie’s ongoing Bridgegate woes led some observers to believe there might be an opening for a Romney run.

“I’ve had my turn, I gave it two good shots, didn’t win and now it’s time for someone else to do it. I’m not running for president,” he said. “I made that clear the morning after the last loss.”


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