This Week in Health: Bike to Work, Eat Less Salt, Try Zumba

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This week brought plenty of new research on the health virtues of exercise. One study also helped banish the “I have no time” excuse by showing that a more active commute to work may help you live longer. Here’s what else grabbed our attention in health news this week. (Sign up for our newsletter for more.)

How many steps should I take a day?

It’s time to pull out those comfy walking shoes. Experts recommend walking more than 10,000 steps a day for optimal health, but if you pass the 5,000 mark, you’re in good shape.

Does taking antidepressants during pregnancy cause autism?

New studies should reassure mothers that taking antidepressants doesn’t necessarily raise the risk of autism in their children.

Why Zumba isn’t just for the young and fit

Even people past middle age can benefit from the dance-based fitness class. A lower-intensity version of the exercise called Zumba Gold held up in a small new study.

A cautionary tale: Antibiotics carry some surprising risks

Antibiotics can come with some serious and surprising risks, including tendonitis. Here’s what everyone should know about the common drugs.

Do soda taxes really work?

A new study on the effects of the sugary-drink tax in Berkeley, California shows promising results.

Always hungry? This one ingredient may be to blame

A diet high in salt may trigger overeating and lead to weight gain. Here’s how to cut back.

How your work commute can help you live longer

Researchers from the UK found that walking and biking to work can extend your life by reducing your risk for early death.

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