• U.S.
  • Marijuana

Marijuana Activists Will Give 1,000 Free Joints to Congress on 4/20

1 minute read

Working on Capitol Hill could come with a new job perk this 4/20: two free marijuana joints.

Activists with the pro-cannabis rights group DCMJ plan to celebrate the unofficial pot holiday by passing out at least 1,000 joints to members of Congress, interns, congressional staffers and credentialed press members over the age of 21. DCMJ is holding the “First Annual Joint Session” to demonstrate for Congress to prohibit federal interference with states or D.C. legalizing marijuana, according to the group’s website.

“Americans don’t want a crackdown on legal cannabis—they want Congress to end cannabis prohibition once and for all,” DCMJ co-founder Adam Eidinger said in a statement. “On 420, we’ll celebrate adults making informed choices based on facts, rather than propaganda.”

The activists will ask for recipients’ Congressional ID’s, so other local 4/20 enthusiasts are out of luck. The cannabis itself is legally homegrown, according to the statement.

A 2014 ballot initiative in Washington, D.C. legalized recreational marijuana use, and since transferring “without payment” up to an ounce of marijuana is also legal, the handouts shouldn’t get activists in trouble with the law, the AP reports.

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Write to Julia Zorthian at julia.zorthian@time.com