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This Is What Brits Are Asking Google About Theresa May’s Surprise Election

1 minute read

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May has announced her intention to call a snap general election on June 8 — and the U.K. isn’t quite sure how to process the information.

According to Google Trends, one of the U.K.’s most-searched questions following May’s shock announcement has been “When was the last general election?”, which is a pretty understandable question when you consider that it has been less than two years (712 days to be precise) since the country last endured a national vote for Prime Minister, whose term is ordinarily five years.

Other questions that make the list include “What is a snap election?”, “What does ‘general election’ mean?” and “Who can vote in a general election?”

Google Trends has also released the top five most searched terms relating to the Prime Minister. As one would expect, “What party is Theresa May from?”, “Why has Theresa May called a general election?” and “How can Theresa May call an election?” make the list. However, rather surprisingly, the most searched question has been “How old is Theresa May?,” which feels fairly irrelevant.

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Write to Kate Samuelson at kate.samuelson@time.com