Seth Meyers Shreds Trump’s New Approval Ratings Low

1 minute read

Following the House Republicans’ failure to repeal Barack Obama’s health care law, President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have hit a new low, something that Seth Meyers was happy to address during his Thursday night episode of Late Night.

Meyers pointed out during his “A Closer Look” segment that according to Gallop, Trump’s approval rating had dipped to 35% on Tuesday.

“This is supposed to be the honeymoon period,” Meyers joked. “And Trump should be good at those! He’s had three of them.”

Meyers noted that both President Richard Nixon during his Watergate Scandal and President George W. Bush during Hurricane Katrina had higher approval ratings than Trump’s current one. (Nixon’s job approval later dropped to 51% in a mid-January Gallup survey in the wake of the first criminal trial of Watergate defendants in 1973.) The president has still yet to dip to the same lows of Bush who saw his approval rating dip to 25% and Nixon, who at one point had the approval of 24% of the American public.
Watch the full clip above.

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