Watch Live: President Trump Meets With Angela Merkel at the White House

1 minute read

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting President Donald Trump at the White House today.

The meeting was originally set for Tuesday but was pushed back due to snow. It is the two leaders’ first face-to-face press conference and the Chancellor’s first trip to the United States in more than two years.

Trump will welcome the German leader at 11:20 am ET, followed by meetings at 11:30 and 11:45. The President will then lead a roundtable discussion on vocational training with U.S. and German business leaders followed by a joint press conference at 1:20. The pair will have lunch together at 1:50.

Merkel and Trump have a tense history. The U.S. president criticized the German chancellor’s handling of the Syrian refugee crisis and openly disagreed with TIME’s decision to name Merkel “Person of the Year” in 2015 instead of him. Merkel has been leading the European criticism of Trump’s controversial travel ban. But White House officials have said the pair will put their differences aside in order to “deepen already close German-American relations in the coming years.”

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Write to Kate Samuelson at