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The Morning Brief: Judges Block Travel Ban, Trump Releases Budget and NCAA’s March Madness Begins

3 minute read

Good morning. These are today’s top stories:

President Trump blasts travel ban block

Federal judges in Maryland and Hawaii have temporarily blocked President Donald Trump’s latest travel ban nationwide. Trump criticized the Hawaii court’s ruling, which came first, during a rally in Nashville last night as “an unprecedented judicial overreach.” “This ruling makes us look weak,” Trump told the crowd, pledging to fight the ruling even to the Supreme Court. The second iteration of Trump’s executive order restricts travel from six Muslim-majority countries and suspends the nation’s refugee program.

Trump releases budget plan

This morning, Trump released his proposed budget plan for 2018, which is titled “America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again.” The proposal includes boosting military spending and funding construction of a border wall while cutting funding to agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency and defunding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which includes PBS and NPR.

Secretary of State says North Korea need not fear U.S.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said at a news conference yesterday in Japan that “North Korea and its people need not fear the United States.” Tillerson said its neighbors “seek only to live in peace” and called for North Korea to ditch its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and “refrain from any further provocation.”

Pain meds linked to heart issues

Common pain medications, like ibuprofen, are linked to an increased risk of cardiac arrest, according to a new study. Researchers warn that the drugs should be used with caution.


The chair of the House Intelligence Committee said there’s no evidence of Trump’s wiretapping claim.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte beat his far-right opponent in yesterday’s parliamentary election in the Netherlands.

Four people, including two Russian security services officers, have been charged in a massive Yahoo data breach.

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates for the second time in three months.

A Texas lawmaker is proposing to fine men $100 for masturbating.

A river in New Zealand has been granted the same rights as a person.

Trump’s first ex-wife, Ivana Trump, is writing a book about raising Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka.

The NCAA tournament begins today. Here’s who wins March Madness in the classroom.

The Morning Brief is published Mondays through Fridays. Email Morning Brief writer Melissa Chan at melissa.chan@time.com.

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