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Amal Clooney Calls for Vigilance Against ISIS in U.N. Speech

3 minute read

Amal Clooney addressed the United Nations once again on Thursday to speak out against ISIS.

The international human rights lawyer, 39, participated in an event organized by several nations to continue the campaign launched in September 2016 to bring ISIS to justice. Clooney, who is expecting twins with husband George Clooney, was accompanied by her client Nadia Murad and members of state from Belgium, Iraq and the United Kingdom.

“Not one ISIS militant has faced trial for international crimes anywhere in the world… Why is it that nothing has been done?” asked Clooney from the podium, adding, “Somehow we are no closer to justice today than when I addressed you last year.”

She continued, “I’m asking you today to stand up for justice. Every conflict reminds us that there can be no lasting peace without justice… Justice is also what the victims want.”

Clooney called on the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to send a letter to the U.N. security council to request an investigation into ISIS’ actions, stating that “what is needed now is moral leadership to actually make this happen.”

“Don’t let this be another Rwanda where you regret doing too little too late,” she urged. “Don’t let ISIS get away with genocide.”

The British lawyer has been speaking out against the terrorist group ever since she took on Murad, a human trafficking survivor, as a client.

Murad shared her own story with the council, revealing the personal costs of choosing to speak out about her ordeal. “ISIS terrorists remain a genuine threat to me because of the role I have taken on,” Murad said. “More importantly, I know full well that every time I speak out to public opinion I subject members of my family to danger.”

Getting emotional toward the end of her speech, Murad spoke in English, saying, “I can not understand why it is taking so long.”

“I can not understand why you are letting ISIS get away with it,” she pleaded. “Or what more you need to hear before you will act. So today, I ask the Iraqi government and the UN to establish an investigation and give all the victims of ISIS the justice they deserve.”

Ahead of her speech, Clooney spoke with Fiona Bruce of BBC News about why the fight to bring ISIS to justice is important.

“I’ve been to refuges in Germany like the one you showed in your piece and I have interviewed former child soldiers and young girls who were raped and enslaved by ISIS,” Clooney said. “It’s been the most harrowing testimony I’ve ever heard. We know that it’s genocide. The U.N. has said so. In other words: ISIS is trying to destroy them as a group and we are allowing it to happen without actually calling ISIS to account.”


This article originally appeared on People.com

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