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This Girl Still Has No Clue Her Brother Replaced Her Pet Goldfish With Carrots

1 minute read

A brother was apparently concerned about the livelihood of his sister’s pet goldfish—so he shared that he decided to take them out of her bowl and replace them with the obvious goldfish doppelgänger: carrots. According to Twitter user @SamuelAnnis, she hadn’t even noticed that made the swap from animate to inanimate object, and his tweets on the ongoing prank have gone viral with online commenters getting in on the saga.

According to the Twitter conversation, on day four the sister still didn’t realize that her beloved orange fish were now just beta-carotene-filled baby carrots. But for those concerned about the livelihood of aforementioned fish, fret not: the brother had a thoughtful plan for them. In fact, he may have even gotten them out of harm’s way.

Other onlookers were simply bemused by the sister’s possible lack of interest in her pets.

It remains to be seen how this unusual brother-sister rivalry will play out.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com