The Morning Brief: GOP’s Health Care Plan, Casey Anthony and National Pancake Day

3 minute read

Good morning. These are today’s top stories:

GOP rolls out new health care plan

House Republicans have revealed their replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act. The proposed bill would scrap the individual mandate, which requires everyone to have health insurance. It would also cut tax credits for some Americans and roll back the Medicaid expansion. The new plan would keep in place Obamacare provisions that allow people under 26 to remain on their parents’ health insurance and people with pre-existing medical problems to receive coverage. Here’s what to know about the new health care plan.

President Trump signs new travel ban

President Donald Trump has approved a new executive order that will prohibit people in Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia and Yemen from entering the U.S. for 90 days. The directive goes into effect March 16 and no longer affects travelers from Iraq. It follows an earlier order that had been blocked by federal judges. Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security said the order “protects the United States from countries compromised by terrorism and ensures a more rigorous vetting process.”

Casey Anthony speaks out for first time

Casey Anthony, a Florida woman who was accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter before she was later acquitted, has given her first interview nearly nine years after the girl’s death. She predicted her daughter would have been a “total badass” and shunned her critics. “I don’t give a s— about what anyone thinks about me, I never will,” she told the Associated Press. “I’m OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night.”

Study finds happiest cities in America

To be happy and healthy, Americans may want to relocate to a beach, according to a new study. Researchers behind a Gallup-Healthways study have found that people who live in cities near the ocean have the best physical, emotional, financial, community and social health in the country. Naples, Fla. ranked first on their list, followed by Barnstable, Mass. and Santa Cruz, Calif.


Bird flu has been detected in a Tennessee chicken farm that supplies Tyson Foods.

Thousands of children are getting sick from ingesting hand sanitizer, according to a new government report.

Air India says it has made history by sending a flight around the world with an all-female crew.

Former Vice President Joe Biden will speak at South by Southwest.

IHOP is giving away free pancakes for charity today in celebration of National Pancake Day.

The Morning Brief is published Mondays through Fridays. Email Morning Brief writer Melissa Chan at

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