• Motto

Uber Responds to a New Anonymous Allegation of Sexual Harassment

2 minute read

A week after Uber announced it would launch an investigation into claims of sexual harassment by an ex-employee in a viral blog post, the Silicon Valley giant has responded to a second person, who wrote anonymously about what the person said was a pattern of sexual harassment at the company.

The anonymous individual, who claims to also be a former employee of the car-sharing startup, wrote a Medium post under a pseudonym. The author says she is a woman who worked at the company’s San Francisco office and described the atmosphere there as hostile to women, minorities and LGBTQ individuals. However, the author’s most specific accusations are against a pseudonymous male co-worker, whom the post claims continually harassed, belittled and made sexually charged comments.

The author says that when she complained to Uber’s Human Resources department, nothing was done. The Human Resources department implied that her job could be in jeopardy if she continued to complain, the post’s author says.

The writer said she eventually left the company.

“We take any and all allegations of this nature very seriously and have forwarded this to Attorney General Eric Holder and Tammy Albarran to include in their investigation,” Uber said in a statement to Motto about the Medium post.

In the recent blog post that led to the creation of the investigation, a former engineer at Uber named Susan Fowler claimed that she was sexually harassed by her team’s supervisor, and alleged that even though she told HR, the company declined to do anything about the behavior because they didn’t want to damage her manager’s career.

After Fowler went public, Uber announced it would launch an “urgent” investigation into the allegations. The company hired Holder, who served as Attorney General under President Barack Obama, to oversee the investigation. Earlier this week, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick asked Amit Singhal, an executive the company hired in January, to resign. According to the New York Times, Singhal had not disclosed to Uber that he had been accused of sexual harassment while he worked at Google, his previous employer.




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