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People Have Some Pretty Amazing Names for These Seven Earth-Sized Planets

2 minute read

We’re just two days out from NASA’s big announcement that it has discovered seven Earth-like planets in the TRAPPIST-1 galaxy. Apparently they’re just a hop skip and about 40 light years away from us, but already everyone is very excited about the existence of these potentially biology-sustaining masses.

People are so excited, in fact, that they’re not satisfied with sticking to their scientific names, which run the standard TRAPPIST-1b to TRAPPIST-1h. Naturally, that won’t cut it for the creative types of Twitter who started the hashtag #7Namesfor7NewPlanets—or for NASA, which picked up on the hashtag and tweeted about the naming challenge on Friday. The hashtag is quickly accumulating quite a collection of suggestions for these alternate homelands, from the Greek versions of our own solar system’s Roman planetary nomenclature to referencing Star Wars, Snow White’s dwarves, popular characters in TV and literature, and more.

Check out some of the best below:

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com