Watch James Corden Lose It Over the Britney Spears Movie

2 minute read

Longtime Britney Spears superfan James Corden apparently spent his Saturday night watching Lifetime’s new Britney Spears biopic, Britney Ever After, and he had many takeaways to share on his Late Late Show Wednesday night.

He started out by noting that the Australian actress chosen to play the iconic pop starlet bears an uncanny resemblance to another young blonde celebrity: Tiffany Trump. Then he played a clip of the movie, in which Spears chows down on some cheese puffs in her tour bus.

“It’s like you’re watching a documentary, isn’t it? In a world full of fake news, I’m just happy to have some truth,” Corden joked. “And that truth is that Britney Spears loves cheese puffs.”Apparently the movie had difficulty securing the rights to Spears’s original hit songs, so they had to make up some of their own. But Corden was ultimately not impressed by the replacement tunes.

“It’s amazing for someone to make a song so forgettable I couldn’t sing it to you now, and I heard it four seconds ago,” he shook his head, baffled. Finally, he helped narrate an all-important breakup dance-off scene between Britney and her romantic foil, a stand-in Justin Timberlake. By the end, Corden was nearly at a loss for words.

“I know who won: anyone who watched it,” he said. Watch his full recap above.

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