Watch Seth Meyers Ridicule Trump’s Confusing Sweden Reference ‘We’re Getting Roasted by Swedes Now’

2 minute read

In a scathing ten-minute monologue on Late Night host Seth Meyers went in on the latest news from President Donald Trump. The host covered everything from his meatloaf dinner with Chris Christie to his comments on uranium at Thursday’s press conference and his weekend rally in Florida when he seemingly referred to an act of terrorism in Sweden the night before, which saw the President tweeting later that he was in fact referring referring to a Fox News report on rising crime in that country.

“As he does so often, Trump transitioned from claiming that the media makes up fake stories to making up his own fake stories,” Meyers joked. “For example, in defending his executive order banning refugees, he made this mysterious claim about an incident that supposedly occurred on Friday night in Sweden.” Meyers then cut to an excerpt from the rally.

“You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this?” Trump said in the clip.

“Who would believe this? The answer is no one, because as fact checkers pointed out, no incident occurred in Sweden on Friday night,” Meyers shot back. He then recapped the confusion of the Swedish news and government officials, who are scratching their heads at the remark.

“That’s how bad things are getting under Trump: we’re getting roasted by Swedes now,” Meyers said. Watch the full monologue above.

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