Trevor Noah Blasts Trump’s Defense of That Electoral College Claim

1 minute read

On Thursday night, Daily Show host Trevor Noah broke down Donald Trump’s extraordinary 77-minute solo press conference, focusing on—in his words—”some of the moments where Trump actually completed a thought.” One of those moments regarded his electoral college victory.

As Noah noted, Trump guessed his was the largest margin of victory since Reagan, which is not true. When a reporter corrected him, the president responded that he had been “given” that information.

“But how does Trump even think that’s a valid excuse?” Noah asked, puzzled. “‘That’s the information I was given?’ You’re the president. If you can’t trust your president to get the right information on a Google-able fact, then can you really trust him with the harder stuff? Which, by the way, is everything else the president of the United States has to deal with. We’re talking first page Google, you guys, not even deep. First page!”

Watch the clip below.

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