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Senator Warren’s Silencing Inspires ‘Nevertheless She Persisted’ T-Shirts

1 minute read

Elizabeth Warren’s silencing has quickly become the newest tagline in a string of merchandise, according to Elle.

After the Massachusetts senator was censured during Jeff Sessions’ confirmation this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”

McConnell’s words reverberated around the world and social media, giving birth to a new rallying cry.

Now, “Nevertheless She Persisted” merchandise has started flooding Etsy shops and various online stores. And it’s not only t-shirts. “Nevertheless She Persisted” can be also be found on iPad cases and mugs. In some cases, proceeds go straight to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU.

Similarly, in 2016 when Hillary Clinton was called a “nasty woman” during the final presidential debate by now-President Donald Trump, merchandise with the phrase popped up everywhere and raised over $100,000 for Planned Parenthood before the end of the year.

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