Watch John Oliver Discuss Immigration With Stephen Colbert: ‘Having a Green Card Used to Be Enough’

1 minute read

John Oliver may be “slightly concerned” about being deported, but that isn’t stopping him from speaking out against President Donald Trump’s controversial immigration order.

During a Tuesday night appearance on The Late Show, the British Last Week Tonight host discussed the travel ban with Stephen Colbert, sharing his objections to the the executive order’s now-halted restrictions.

I have an American wife and an American son now, but who knows what’s enough? Having a green card used to be enough, and yet what we saw with that executive order on immigration, that debacle, things are not what they were supposed to be. We held up translators — Afghan and Iraqi translators — at the border who have bled for a country they’ve never visited, have sacrificed family members for this country. This president has done neither of these things, so it’s a little hard to swallow him telling people whether they should be a benefit to America or not.

Watch the full clip below.

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