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Trevor Noah to Steve Bannon ‘You Are the Real President’

2 minute read

When The Daily Show host Trevor Noah played a game of “Who Is the Real President?” on Monday night, President Donald Trump came in fifth.

While Trump may be in the highest office, the late night host argued that there are a lot of people in the White House with more power than him, including Vladimir Putin, Fox News and an Ivanka Trump-Jared Kushner hybrid that Noah jokingly dubbed as “Jarvanka” (which he notes is “also the name of an Ikea chair.”) The number one position, though, was reserved for Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon.

As he referenced TIME’s most current cover story on the chief strategist’s forceful presence, Noah posed a theory. While Trump may have signed the recent executive order authorizing the temporary travel ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, the ban itself bears Bannon’s name, which for Noah is all the proof needed of Bannon’s power. “It was Bannon’s baby, which shouldn’t surprise anyone,” Noah said. “ It’s in his name, people. ‘Ban-non.’ ‘Ban-on-Muslims.’ Open your eyes, people!”

“As of this moment, you are the real president,” he said. “The American people didn’t elect you. But then again, they kind of didn’t elect Trump either.”

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