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Vice President Pence Will Address Anti-Abortion March

2 minute read

Vice President Mike Pence will speak at anti-abortion rally March for Life on Friday, the New York Times reported.

Pence will join White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, who had already been scheduled to speak at the Washington, D.C. event. The organizers of the annual demonstration said that they invited both Pence and President Trump, according to the Times. U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush addressed the event remotely in the past.

The Vice President, an evangelical Catholic, has been a staunch opponent of abortion. During his tenure as governor of Indiana, he signed a billblocked by a judge before it was implemented — that would have required women who had abortions to bury or cremate the fetuses, leading to protests from pro-abortion rights supporters.

Pence and Conway’s appearance at the event will likely heighten concerns about abortion rights under the Trump administration. In his first week in office, President Trump signed an executive order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, a ban on funding to international organizations that either perform or provide information on the procedure. President Trump has said he will nominate a Supreme Court justice next week, and he’s promised to appoint justices who would work to overturn Roe v. Wade.

[The New York Times]




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Write to Samantha Cooney at samantha.cooney@time.com