• World

A Laser That Prevents Bike Accidents

1 minute read

Even when bikes have headlights, it can be tough for drivers or pedestrians to see cyclists coming, especially at night. But lasers are harder to ignore. That’s the idea behind Laserlight by Blaze, a bike attachment that projects a green bike icon onto the ground nearly 20 feet in front its user. Unlike headlights, the laser creation can be seen well from all angles, alerting drivers, pedestrians and even other cyclists. Although the $200 Laserlight has been commercially available in the U.K. for several years, it’s about to get major U.S. exposure: New York City’s bike-share program Citi Bike just announced it will pilot the device on 250 bikes.

–Julia Zorthian

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Write to Julia Zorthian at julia.zorthian@time.com