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President Obama: Malia and Sasha ‘Don’t Get Cynical’ About Donald Trump’s Victory

5 minute read

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he is proudest of his daughters for refraining from feeling cynical in the wake of the presidential election.

He said Malia and Sasha were disappointed by the outcome, but he praised them for not believing that “America has somehow rejected them or rejected their values.”

Obama made the remarks in response to the last question at his final White House press conference, when asked how he and the First Lady have spoken to Malia and Sasha about the meaning of the election. He attributed his daughters’ understanding of politics, in part, to the first family’s conversations over dinner during their eight years in the White House.

“I think they have—in part through osmosis, in part through dinner time conversations—appreciated the fact that this is a big complicated country and democracy is messy. It doesn’t always work exactly the way you might want. It doesn’t guarantee certain outcomes,” Obama said. “But if you—if you’re engaged and you’re involved, then there are a lot more good people than bad in this country, and there’s a core decency to this country and—that they’ve got to be a part of lifting that up. And I expect they will be.”

First Lady Michelle Obama spoke out against Donald Trump’s rhetoric during the campaign and gave an impassioned speech after a leaked tape revealed Trump boasting about groping women without their consent.

“They paid attention to what their mom said during the campaign and believed it because it’s consistent with what we have tried to teach them in our household and what I’ve tried to model as a father with their mom and what we’ve asked them to expect from future boyfriends or spouses,” President Obama said about his daughters on Wednesday. “But what we’ve also tried to teach them is resilience and we’ve tried to teach them hope and that the only thing that is the end of the world is the end of the world. And so, you get knocked down, you get up, brush yourself off and you get back to work. And that tended to be their attitude.”

Read President Obama’s full comments about Malia and Sasha below:

You know, every parent brags on their daughters or their sons. You know, if your mom and dad don’t brag on you, you know you got problems.

But man, my daughters are something. And — and they just surprise and enchant and impress me more and more every single day as they grow up. And, so these days when we talk, we talk as parent to child, but also we learn from them. And, I think it was really interesting to see how Malia and Sasha reacted. They were disappointed.

They paid attention to what their mom said during the campaign and believed it because it’s consistent with what we have tried to teach them in our household and what I’ve tried to model as a father with their mom and what we’ve asked them to expect from future boyfriends or spouses. But what we’ve also tried to teach them is resilience and we’ve tried to teach them hope and that the only thing that is the end of the world is the end of the world.

And so, you get knocked down, you get up, brush yourself off and you get back to work. And that tended to be their attitude. I think neither of them intend to pursue a future of politics and in that, too, I think their mother’s influence shows.

But, both of them have grown up in an environment where I think they could not help, but be patriotic to love this country deeply, to see that it’s flawed, but see that they have responsibilities to fix it. And that they need to be active citizens. And they have to be in a position to talk to their friends and their teachers and their future co-workers in ways that try to shed some light as opposed to just generate a lot of sound and fury. And I expect that’s what they’re going to do. They do not — they don’t mope.

And — and what I really am proud of them, but what makes me proudest about them, is that they also don’t get cynical about it. They — they have not assumed because their side didn’t win or because some of the values that they care about don’t seem as if they were vindicated that automatically America has somehow rejected them or rejected their values. I don’t think they feel that way.

I think they have in part through osmosis, in part through dinner time conversations appreciated the fact that this is a big complicated country and democracy is messy, it doesn’t always work exactly the way you might want. It doesn’t guarantee certain outcomes. But if you — if you’re engaged and you’re involved, then there are a lot more good people than bad in this country and there’s a core decency to this country and — that they got to be a part of lifting that up. And I expect they will be.

And in that sense, they are representative of this generation that makes me really optimistic.

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Write to Katie Reilly at Katie.Reilly@time.com