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Kellyanne Conway Will Speak at Anti-Abortion March

2 minute read

Kellyanne Conway may become the first sitting White House official to address the largest anti-abortion march, the New York Times reports.

The Times reports that Conway, who will serve as White House adviser for President-elect Donald Trump, will speak at the March for Life, an anti-abortion march attended by thousands of anti-abortion supporters annually. Conway and Trump officials did not respond to the Times‘ requests for comment, but March for Life president Jeanne Mancini “hinted,” according to the Times, that either Trump or Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who signed a series of restrictions on abortion into law in Indiana, may also attend the march.

For many, Conway’s planned attendance at the March signals that the Trump Administration is ready for battle against abortion rights. A handful of states have already passed new restrictions on the procedure, and Trump has promised to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. “I don’t think it can be underestimated how significant her presence on the Trump campaign was in terms of motivating and mobilizing the pro-life vote,” anti-abortion advocate Charmaine Yoest told the Times.

Conway opposes abortion, but told the New Yorker last year that she doesn’t believe that women should be punished for getting the procedure, which some women fear may happen under Trump. “Pro-lifers believe there are two victims in an abortion: the unborn child and the woman who felt that that was her best option,” Conway told the New Yorker. “We never look at her as the perpetrator — ever.”

[The New York Times]

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Write to Samantha Cooney at samantha.cooney@time.com