Donald Trump Meets the Spooks

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It’s decision day for the President-elect, who will be briefed by the nation’s top intelligence officials Friday about their conclusions on Russian hacking. Trump, who has thus far refused to concede that Russia was behind the hacks of the DNC and John Podesta’s email account, will be given access to the most sensitive raw data, including the sources and methods that officials say proves Russia’s culpability and intent. The issue has pitted Trump against many in his own party, who have been placed in the difficult position of accepting the intelligence community’s assessment while trying to avoid upsetting the incoming president.While Trump has been briefed on prior occasions, he’s continued to publicly sow doubts, but many Republicans are hopeful that once he views the raw intelligence that Trump will finally change his tune on the issue and publicly blame Russia. If he doesn’t, he could find himself further isolated both from the bureaucracy reporting to him and his would-be allies on Capitol Hill.

Trump’s Twitter feed upsets Washington. Joe Biden’s message to the president-elect. And a member of Trump’s transition team quits.

Here are your must reads:

Must Reads

Trump’s Twitter feed traumatizes Washington

Washington power brokers uneasy about the president-elect’s chaotic messaging [Politico]

Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall

But he says Mexico will pay later [CNN]

In Break With Precedent, Obama Envoys Are Denied Extensions Past Inauguration Day

Trump looks to clean house [New York Times]

Schumer: Democrats Can Work With Trump—if He Moves Their Way

The new Senate Minority Leader says his party won’t sacrifice its values just to earn the “bipartisan” label [National Journal]

GOP has Trump’s back as he questions US intelligence

They agree on the conclusions, but question the process [Associated Press]

Sound Off

“Grow up, Donald. Grow up. Time to be an adult.” —Vice President Joe Biden on the President-elect’s tweets in an interview with PBS.

“He’s going to find that it’s easy to tweet about reactions to all kinds of issues, but to seriously deal with our national security and deal with the threats of our country is a business that’s ought to be done in the confines of the Oval Office.” —former CIA Director Leon Panetta on Trump to NBC.

Bits and Bites

Joe Biden Says He’s Working to Convince the Trump Administration to Prioritize Sexual Assault Prevention [TIME]

Joe Biden to Donald Trump: ‘Grow Up. Time to Be an Adult’ [TIME]

Kellyanne Conway on why Trump is questioning U.S. intel [CBS]

Trump makes calls against Kasich’s pick for Ohio GOP chair []

House Republicans revive obscure rule that allows them to slash the pay of individual federal workers to $1 [Washington Post]

Historically Black Talladega College Band Will Perform in Trump’s Inaugural Parade [TIME]

Former CIA director James Woolsey quits Trump transition team [Washington Post]

Trump restores power of Israeli ambassador [Politico]

U.S. Intelligence Report Identifies Russians Who Gave DNC Emails to Wikileaks [Reuters]

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